廣州市銳博塑料五金制品有限公司成立于2004年,注冊資金達到201萬元,是一家專業從事 “品格PinGer”牌防撞系列產品、無障礙系列、盲道系列及健身器材產品開發、設計、生產與銷售于一體的企業,所有產品均獲得CE認證,并于2010年1月再次通過ISO9001質量管理體系認證。 本公司在成立之初已從美國引進全套先進生產設備、檢測儀器,電腦化、系統化生產管理,經過多年來的發展,銳博公司已在如今競爭如此激烈的市場中占有了一定的份額,并贏得國內外商家對“品格PinGer”牌產品的認可,分別銷售到國內各個地方,更出口到東南亞、中東、歐美等三十多個國家;而且憑借其“以客為尊”“至真、至誠”的服務宗旨和實力雄厚的研發團隊,在廣大新老客戶中樹立了的形象,贏得了良好的口碑,一直以來都是行業的領袖。 展望未來,在世界經濟浪潮中,我司會繼續發揚其優良作風,以“品質優良、創新設計、系統研發、跟蹤服務”為宗旨原則,致力于持續改進,不斷開發新的防撞、衛浴及各類產品,讓自己一直走在前面,為市場提供優質的產品和滿意的服務。您的滿意就是我們的追求。Ruibo, as a professional manufacturer which is specialized in developing and producing impact-resistant Handrails, Corner Guards, Wall Guards, handicap grab bar & sport goods. Sport goods is our new line which includes “Shake Dumbell”, “Aerobic Step”, “Balance Ball Chair”, “Body Sculpting Bar”, specially for women.Ruibo Co.,LTD. Is registered as compliant with the International Standard ISO9000. To meet the specific technology and high quality requirement for every project, Ruibo adopts technological equipment from American to modernize our factory. We are dedicated to increasing the sustainability of buildings by providing highly functional architectural products while also minimizing the impact or our products on the environment and human.Our sales support team is here to assist you during the entire sales process. If you have questions about shipments, products or installation, we're standby here. We see quality as most important thing, as well as customer servic