The Roechling Group,a worldwide operating plastics group with over 7300 employees at60 production and R&D facilities in America, Europe and Asia and had annual sales of € 500 million. Its two divisions, High-Performance Plastics and Automotive Plastics, concentrate on processing quality plastics into semi-finished products, components and systems for a wide range of industrial uses.Roechling stands for innovative products and state-of-the-art process technology in plastics processing.The Automotive Plastics division makes plastic parts for the automotive industry. They consist of technologically sophisticated products made of polymer materials and natural fiber plastic composites for the engine compartment, the underbody and the interior.Roechling Automotive Parts (Changchun) Ltd. Company was founded in Changchun on August26,2005 by Roechling Group with registered capital of 65 million yuan. The total investment is up to 97million yuan. The investment will also increase with further development the company.The Roechling Changchun plant covers 21000 square meters. The technologies the company is using are injection molding , compression molding, blow molding, vibration welding, assembly and testing. Roechling Company is now an auto parts supplier to FAW-VW, BMW and Daimler etc.勞士領集團,世界性的塑料生產集團,在美洲、歐洲、亞洲擁有60個工廠及科研中心,7300多名員工,是塑料行業技術的代表。年銷售額超過5億歐元。勞士領集團的兩個生產分支:高性能塑料和汽車塑料,主要是使用高品質塑料加工半制成品、零件和系列產品,在工業上用途廣泛。勞士領是塑料產業創新產品和尖端制造技術的代表。汽車塑料分支為汽車工業生產塑料零件,包括用聚合體材料生產的技術復雜的產品,發動機箱、車身底部和內部的光纖塑料合成品。勞士領汽車配件(長春)有限公司是勞士領集團在中國長春投資建設的工廠,成立于2005年8月26日,注冊資金為6500萬元人民幣,投資總額為9700萬元人民幣。隨著公司業務的不斷發展,公司將會不斷增加在中國的投資力度。目前勞士領長春工廠的占地面積超過20000平方米。主要技術是注塑、摩擦焊接、吹塑、熱壓、泄露和爆破試驗及3D測量。主要客戶是一汽大眾,上海大眾、寶馬和奔馳等。