創立于1964年的品酒匯,隸屬法國MAAF集團旗下。擁有5座波爾多酒莊城堡的MAAF,是歐洲的著名保險公司,年營業額超過30億歐元。品酒匯憑借著豐富的葡萄酒藏品,深厚的傳統釀造經驗,滿懷熱忱的葡萄酒團隊和與世界著名酒莊城堡的密切合作,品酒匯將產自法蘭西的醇美佳釀帶到了世界各地,并一直是法國葡萄酒遠程銷售領域的領袖品牌。作為歐洲保險公司MAAF集團旗下的子公司,品酒匯擁有無與倫比的優勢: ——以優惠的價格直接從酒莊購買葡萄酒 ——藏品豐富,能夠使葡萄酒保存至佳酒齡,帶來美妙醇厚的口感從法國各葡萄酒產區精選了幾百款高品質美酒原瓶進口,充滿激情的專業團體待命,為客戶提供的優質服務,包括:專業葡萄酒推薦及培訓,供應專業葡萄酒用品、葡萄酒活動組織及安排,和葡萄酒專業儲存解決方案等。Savour Club, which created in 1964, is a subsidiary of the group MAAF. MAAF is one of the leading insurance company in Europe and owns five Chateaux in Bordeaux, the annual transaction amount is over 3 billion EUR. Thanks to various of inventory, rich traditional wine making experience, enthusiastic wine experts team & closed relationship with famous chateaux, Savour Club has been carrying the French wine to the all over the world, meanwhile its always been the wine distance selling leader in France.As a subsidiary of Group MAAF, Savour Club enjoy strong advantages_58_ - Belong to the happy few allowed to buy directly to the producers at the best price - Inventory is large enough to let the wine reach the perfect age to be tastedHundreds of high quality delicious wines are original imported from various wine regions in France. In Shanghai & Beijing, passionful and experienced service team always standby to support our customer, including but not limited to wine expert advice and wine knowledge training, professional wine accessory, wine event and wine storage solution, ect.