Job Opportunities InfinityQS International Inc. is the leading provider of Statistical Process Control (SPC) software and has been provided top 500 global manufacturing corporations with the most professional SPC products and services for 25 years. InfinityQS SPC solutions automate data collection and analysis during the manufacturing process so the manager can make real-time process improvement decisions and prevent defects before they occur. Developed by industrial statisticians using proven quality analysis and control methodologies, InfinityQS solutions are saving leading manufacturers millions of dollars each year. With the rapid business growth worldwide, InfinityQS is looking for motivated professionals to join and aid in its success. We offer a friendly, casual work environment with a fast-paced atmosphere to meet the growing needs of our customers. Our competitive compensation and benefits packages attract the industry’s best talent, so you will be among a team of knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated professionals.InfinityQS International Inc. (美國盈飛無限國際有限公司)為**頂級SPC軟件解決方案提供商,25年來持續為**500強制造企業提供專業的實時統計過程控制(SPC)軟件產品和服務。InfinityQS的SPC解決方案能夠在生產進行過程中自動完成實時數據采集和分析,幫助管理人員及時、準確做出過程改進決策,預防缺陷產生。InfinityQS是由專業的工業統計學應用已經實踐檢驗的品質分析和控制方法論研發而成的軟件解決方案,為制造企業節省巨額成本。詳細信息請瀏覽企業網站:www.infinityqs