Waldmann’s headquarters locates in one of the most beautiful areas in Germany––the Black Forest. Founded in Villingen-Schwenningen, Baden-Württemberg in 1928, it was once a specialist company for the manufacturing of electrical systems, installation and maintenance of electrical devices. Waldmann has devoted itself to the topic of light and illumination at the workplace since 1958. In 1975 Waldmann expanded into the field of medical lights and medical irradiation equipments. And today with more than 870 employees worldwide, Waldmann is a multinational corporation with its own distribution and production locations in 12 countries, Waldmann has since grown to become one of the European and world’s leading manufacturers of luminaires, and the innovation and technology leader as well. The global presence is additionally supported by a dense network of distribution partners and collaborating corporations. This guarantees extensive and direct consultations. Waldmann was one of the first pioneers to study the practical application of LED technology. Today, Waldmann offers LED industrial lighting for the most extreme demands and has meanwhile applied this knowhow to the business sectors of architecture and medicine industries. As the “Engineer of Light”, Waldmann have stood for the very best in German workmanship and engineering skills for more than eight decades.As a worldwide leading supplier of lighting systems and workplace lighting for virtually all industries and applications, Waldmann produces over 200 standard lighting models and over 2000 special solutions that are adapted for use in all types of working environments. From waterproof industrial lighting for machining requirements, and intelligent lighting concepts & luminaires for architectural applications, to cool-to-the-touch medical lighting for procedures and examinations, Waldmann is proud to offer world-class lighting solutions to meet your workplace requirements.Waldmann set up the Shanghai plant at the end of 2006. It assembles, manufactures and distributes the premium quality German craftsmanship for China market. With the development of Waldmann Asian network, Shanghai plant also provides the supporting for the Waldmann subsidiaries in Asia, including the branches and partners in Japan, Singapore and India etc.Waldmann Lighting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Address: Part A, No.5 Normative Workshop, No.199 Changjian Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai沃達邁總部坐落在德國美麗的地方——黑森林,位于德國巴登-符騰堡州(Baden-Württemberg)的菲林根-施文寧根(Villingen-Schwenningen)。公司在1928年創立初期曾是一家從事電器系統的生產以及電器設備安裝維護的專業公司,從1958年以來,公司專注于生產工業照明燈具以及工作場所照明燈具,在1975年又將產品類型擴展到醫療專用照明以及醫用放射治療設備,如今,沃達邁在**擁有870多名員工,已經成為生產以及銷售分支機構遍布**12個國家的跨國公司,在歐洲乃至全世界燈具生產領域處于地位,其創新科技在照明工業領域引領行業發展。沃達邁的銷售代理伙伴和業務合作公司也已經形成了密集的網絡,對其**業務給予支持,從而確保廣泛而直接的磋商。沃達邁先學習應用LED技術,如今,沃達邁所提供的LED工業照明能滿足極端苛刻的要求,并同時將這項技術應用于辦公建筑以及醫療行業部門。在八十多年的漫長歲月里,沃達邁作為“燈光工程師”,所推出的照明產品始終代表著高水準的德國工藝制造和工程技術。沃達邁業已成為為所有行業和應用提供照明系統和工作場所照明的世界級燈具制造商。沃達邁有著200多種標準照明模型和2000多種適用于各種工作環境的照明解決方案。沃達邁為之自豪的是,從機械設備用的防水工業照明,到辦公建筑用的室內照明,再到醫療過程和檢驗用的醫療照明,沃達邁都能提供世界的照明解決方案來滿足客戶多方面的照明要求。沃達邁于2006年年底在上海建立中國工廠“沃達邁燈具制造(上海)有限公司”,為中國市場生產供應優質的德國工藝以及專業照明產品。隨著沃達邁在亞洲地區分支機構的逐步發展建立,中國工廠也為沃達邁位于日本、新加坡、印度等國家的分公司以及合作伙伴提供支持。沃達邁燈具制造(上海)有限公司