庫伯勒(北京)自動化設備貿易有限公司是編碼器和計數器等傳感器產品的供應商,其產品涵蓋了位置與運動傳感器、功能安全、計數與過程控制技術及傳輸技術領域。公司成立于2007年,是德國庫伯勒集團在華投資的全資子公司,總部是Fritz Kübler GmbH公司,位于德國巴登符騰堡州南部的Villingen-Schwenningen市。庫伯勒北京公司經過近十年穩定且快速的發展,已經深深地扎根于中國市場。除北京總部外,還在上海設立了分公司,在遼寧、河北、山東、山西、浙江、江蘇,湖北、廣東等省份設立了專門的銷售人員和授權的經銷商負責本省及周邊省份的產品銷售。庫伯勒同時擁有足夠專業的技術和服務人員,能在短的時間內響應和滿足客戶的需求,并將在未來一段時間內還會在其他省市設立更多的銷售和服務人員,將庫伯勒產品的銷售網絡和服務網絡覆蓋到更多的中國區域。庫伯勒始終致力于為中國的市場和客戶提供德國的產品以及本地化的專業技術支持與服務。The Kübler Group belongs today to the leading specialists worldwide in the fields of position and motion sensors, functional safety, counting and process technology and transmission technology.Founded in the year 1960 by Fritz Kübler, the family business is now led by the next generation of Gebhard and Lothar Kübler. Nine international group members and distributors in more than 50 countries offer local product know-how, service and advice throughout the world.Over 480 dedicated people worldwide make this success possible and ensure that customers can continue to place their trust in our company. The Kübler Group has a clear, long-term strategy to continue as an independent, owner-managed family business.Innovative product and sector solutions, as well as solutions for functional safety and a high level of service, are the reasons behind our global success. The strict focus on quality ensures the highest levels of reliability and a long service life for our products in the field.