XELLA凱萊集團德國凱萊(XELLA)集團總部位于德國杜伊斯堡,是**的大型跨國建材集團。集團主營三大產業:墻體建筑材料,干掛系統和石灰及石灰礦原料,業務遍布歐洲、亞洲、北美和南美市場。德國凱萊(XELLA)集團旗下擁有眾多國際著名建材品牌,如YTONG伊通砂加氣混凝土砌塊和板材、Silka硅酸鈣磚和YTONG-multipor保溫隔熱板等,在**各地均廣受贊譽。目前,集團在30個國家設有90多家工廠,雇員7800余名,銷售收入逾13億歐元。作為**建材制造商,凱萊(XELLA)集團以研發而聞名于世。在德國Emstal和Brück,集團設有世界級的**研發中心和實驗室,配備先進的研發設施和40多位各種專業的科學研發人員。多年以來,凱萊(XELLA)集團通過從原料選礦勘探、配方工藝優化、產品品質測試、建筑節能、墻體系統性能和施工應用等一系列全過程的研發,不斷地開發出創新、**且可持續的解決方案,滿足世界各地建筑業的各種挑戰和需求,已成為世界墻體建材科技的引導者。XELLA Group ProfileXella manufactures and markets building materials, gypsum fibreboard and cement-bonded dry lining panels together with lime and limestone.With its Ytong, Hebel and Silka ranges, Xella is one of the world's largest manufacturers of aerated concrete and calcium silicate products. With Fermacell, Xella sets the tone for high quality dry lining applications and with Fels, Xella is one of Europe's leading producers of lime and limestone.With 90 factories in 18 countries and sales and marketing organisations in 30 countries, Xella is flying the flag internationally. In the process, the marketing activities of the Xella Group are bundled into the three business units Xella Baustoffe GmbH, Fermacell GmbH and Fels-Werke GmbH. They have their own production and marketing departments which means that the most diverse customer requirements are individually and expertly served in the different markets.1995年,集團進入中國,先后于上海、浙江、天津、河北、山東等地成立了營運基地,銷售網絡覆蓋全國、東亞、以及東南亞地區。上海德材凱萊投資咨詢有限公司,作為凱萊集團在中國的管理公司,在銷售、財務、人力資源、采購、IT等職能上為各工廠提供支持。中國公司列表:上海德材凱萊投資咨詢有限公司上海伊通有限公司長興伊通有限公司凱萊建筑材料(天津)有限公司保定凱萊先鋒硅鈣磚建筑材料有限公司山東凱萊新型建材有限公司The Group entered China in 1995, a series of operations base were founded in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, and the sales network is covering whole China, East Asia, Southeast Asia. Shanghai Xella Consulting Co., Ltd as the management corporation of Xella in China, providing support in sales, finance, HR, purchasing, IT functions for every company.Company list in China:Shanghai Xella Consulting Co., Ltd.Shanghai YTONG Co., Ltd.Changxing YTONG Co., Ltd.Xella Building Material (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.Baoding Xella xianfeng CS new Building Materials Co., Ltd.Shandong Xella New Building Materials Co., Ltd.