天津航大雄英航空工程有限公司簡介天津航大雄英公司是專業從事航空機載設備維修和機載測試設備研制開發的高科技企業.是以中國民航大學強大的科研能力為基礎,本著高起點、高投入、不求大、只求強的經營理念,采用現代化的管理手段和完善的質量保證體系,堅持走產、學、研一體化的發展道路。 天津航大雄英公司不僅具有配套完善的廠房設施和先進精良的維修設備,同時擁有大批富有經驗的專業人才。能夠修理包括波音、空客在內的各種民用客機,以及軍機,直升機等。公司充分利用中國民航大學強大科研開發能力,在采用國外原廠核心模塊的基礎上,自行研制接口和測試軟件,開發出多項高技術含量的測試設備。公司著力于長期持續的發展,尋求與國外知名OEM廠的合作,同時積極探索PMA制造領域的發展,努力成為國內民航維修知名企業。GREAT HERO ( Tian jin ) Aviation Engineering Co., Ltd. is a high-tech corporation specialized in the maintenance of aviation equipment, research & development of aviation testing equipments. On the basis of strong research capacity of Civil Aviation University of China (CAUC) and with the managerial concept of higher starting-points, more investments, it pursues being not the largest but the strongest company. By adopting modern management methods and an advanced quality-guaranteed system, Great Hero has been running its business in the way of integration of learning, researching and manufacturing. GREAT HERO ( Tian jin ) not only has modern working facilities and advanced maintenance equipments but also owns a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals. It can provide maintenance and repairment to military and civil aircrafts, including Boeing and Airbus manufactured airplanes, as well as helicopters. Based upon the strong scientific research competence of CAUC, and by using the original overseas core modules, Great Hero has developed interface and testing softwares of its own. It has also made a number of high-tech testing instruments. Great Hero is dedicated to a long-term and constant development, seeking opportunities to co-operate with famous OEM providers. It has been active in exploring the field of PMA manufacture and striving to upgrade itself into a well-known aviation maintenance company.