濟南固鍀電子器件有限公司成立于1990年,是一家港澳臺與境內合資企業,注冊資金300萬美元,專業生產分離式半導體元器件。產品90%以上出口至歐洲、北美洲、非洲、及香港、等地區。主要客戶有:通用電氣、臺達、三星、飛利浦、樂金電子、索尼、夏普、東芝、愛默生、海爾和長虹等**知名企業。公司位于山東省濟南市高新技術開發區同欣工業園。是一家集軸向二極體、橋式二極體、貼片二極體,研發、生產、銷售于一體的半導體器件提供商,是二極體生產領域具綜合實力的高科技企業之一。公司以“以品質求生存,以效率求機會,以成本求收益,以服務求發展”為經營理念,采用現代企業管理模式,倡導綠色生態環境與可持續發展。公司擁有一支具有行業水平的資深研發團隊,擁有自主的核心技術,產品工藝先進,良率遠高于同行業水平,先后通過了ISO/TS16949、ISO9001質量管理體系和ISO14001環境管理體系認證。產品經過UL認證,滿足RoHS等標準。公司先后通過了Sony GP認證,Samsung CS認證,客戶有通用半導體、半導體、Samsung、Sony等。積累了優良的客戶資源。公司致力于精細化管理,引進了一批管理、研發和營銷人才,各項管理在同行業處于水平。公司將繼續圍繞客戶的需求持續創新,致力于為客戶提供系統的解決方案、產品和服務,為客戶創造大價值。Jinan Gude Electronics Co., Ltd. (JGD) is located at Tongxin Industrial garden,Jinan high tech Development Area in Shandong province. The company was founded in 1990, and we are the semiconductor device supplier which is a collection of research, development, production, and sales in axial diode, bridge and SMD. Our company is one of the enterprises with the strongest comprehensive strength in hi-tech. Our company adheres to the business philosophy: "quality to survival, efficiency to obtain opportunity, and the cost to revenue, service to development" We have adopted modern enterprise management mode, advocated green ecological environment and sustainable development. The company has a leading level senior R & D team, has our own core technologies& advanced product and process technique, whose yield is far higher than the same level industry. We have passed the ISO/TS16949, ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environmental management system certification. Our products have certified by the UL and meet the RoHS standard.Meanwhile, we have passed Sony GP certification, Samsung CS certification. We have the customers such as Vishay General Semiconductor, Taiwan Semiconductor, Samsung, Sony etc. So have accumulated good customer resources. The company is committed to the delicacy management and the introduction of a number of high-end talents in management, development and marketing. Thus all managements in my company are at the leading level in the same industry. We will go on focusing on customers’ needs to continue innovation, and will be committed to providing systematic solutions, excellent products and services, trying our best to create maximum value for customers.