北京云峰利民畜牧設備有限公司,是國內大的孵化設備制造企業之一。企業通過ISO9001質量管理體系認證,同類產品國內市場占有率,產品遠銷**20個國家,質量獲得用戶一致認同。?企業位于北京市平谷區,目前因企業發展迅速,誠招各類英才,歡迎加入云峰公司,共創美好明天。?公司網站:www.bjyunfengwww.eggincubator?Yunfeng IncubatorAdd: No.81, Juhe West Rd., Pinggu, Beijing, 101200, ChinaTel: +86-10-69989990Business Activity:Large commercial incubators with size from 12,000 eggs to over 90,000 eggs capacity;Incubators for hen eggs, turkey eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, etc.Premium quality, with the main parts imported from Europe, and the electric components made by big international brands;The earliest incubator producer in China, with a history of 34 years, and ISO certified;Products exported to 23 countries over the world by the end of 2011, and satisfied by all customers.