關于北京夢之城文化股份有限公司北京夢之城文化股份有限公司(以下簡稱夢之城)成立于2006年12月,致力于中國原創動漫的平臺化與產業化,旗下運營“阿貍”、“羅小黑”、“象撲君”、“皮揣子”等知名原創動漫形象。公司業務涉及圖書、動畫、游戲、電影、主題展覽、主題店、互聯網增值產品、商品、商業授權等領域,同時開發條式漫畫閱讀平臺“漫漫App”。2016年,夢之城正式掛牌,成為一家公眾公司,迎來了企業的快速增長。Dream Castle was established in Dec., 2006and since then, has committed itself in seeking a practical way for thedevelopment of Chinese comic and animation enterprises. Dream Castle now ownsseveral well-known cartoon characters such as Ali the Fox, Luoxiaohei Cat,Pichuaizi Cat and Poo the Elephant. Business covers the publication of comicbooks, animation episodes, games and films, theme show, Manman app, developmentand sales of cartoon merchandising products and brand licensing. In May of2016, Dream Castle was listed at NEEQ, which promises an upcoming rapiddevelopment.