大漢資訊有限公司(Unionsoft) 是**大的企業管理軟件供應商SAP公司在中國資深咨詢服務提供商,是中國的專業從事企業信息化咨詢的IT服務公司。在ERP增值應用方面,擁有獨特的解決方案。大漢資訊與德國合作伙伴一道,將國外先進的ERP技術方案,在中國進行本地化應用,進一步加快了企業的企業信息化進程。 大漢資訊擁有一批國內外管理人才,制定了切實可行的企業目標和發展戰略。同時公司還擁有獨特的人員管理機制以及豐富的培訓機制。公司現有員工近百人,其中資深顧問和專業技術人員占到85%。 大漢資訊具有強大的海內外業務拓展和服務實施能力及經驗。至今已成功地為政府部門、電子制造、機械制造、化工、石油、汽車、消費品等行業提供了管理資詢,ERP系統實施和支持,以及企業解決方案的后續改善計劃。現有成功參與客戶包括機電工程署、SONY,D-LINK、ARIMA、FLASH、MOMENTIVE、海爾集團、庫瓦格高壓電器、通用汽車、一汽大眾、中國石化、嘉里糧油、潤田集團等。 大漢資訊為客戶提供從管理咨詢、業務流程重組、信息化建設規劃到管理信息系統實施的全面企業管理系統解決方案和服務。我們專業化、標準化和高水準的企業解決方案及咨詢服務和敬業精神得到了客戶和業界的高度評價及認可。面對日益激烈的**競爭,面對發展為迅猛的信息化領域,我們應對挑戰,主動思變,突破創新,不斷提升自己; 同時大漢資訊將一如既往地秉承“時時思考,讓我們做得更好!” 的理念,幫助企業客戶快速且持續地提高管理水平、經營績效和綜合競爭力。 Unionsoft is a Chinese senior consultation service company of the world’s biggest enterprise management software supplier SAP company. It is China leading IT service company specializing in enterprise s informationization and consulting. It has unique solution in the ERP increment application aspect. Unionsoft works in partnership with German partners, carry on a localization application with the foreign forerunner s ERP technique project in China, which accelerate the process of business enterprise information-based of the excellent business enterprise.Unionsoft has one group of domestic and foreign outstanding managerial talent. It has formulated the practical and feasible business goal and the developmental strategy. Simultaneously our company also has the unique personnel to manage the mechanism as well as the rich training mechanism. The company existing staff near a hundred person, in which senior consultant and the professionals account for 85%. It has the formidable everywhere service development and service executive ability and the experience. Until now it has successfully provided the management consult, ERP system implementation and support, as well as enterprise solution following improvement plan for government department, electronic manufacture, machine manufacture, chemical industry, petroleum, automobile, consumable and so on. The existing success participation customer including the mechanical and electrical project bureau, SONY, D-LINK, ARIMA, FLASH, MOMENTIVE, the Haire group, the storehouse Wagg high pressure electric appliance, the general automobile, steam populace, China petrifies, the fine in cooking oil, the Run field group and so on. Unionsoft provides from the high level management consultation, the service flow reorganization, the informationization construction for the customer plans to the management information system implementation comprehensive business management system solution and the service. Our specialization, standardized and the high standard enterprise solution and the advisory service and the professional dedication has obtained strong approval from our customers and the realm. Facing day by day the intense global competition, facing the fast development of the informationization domain, we should take on the challenge, think on own initiative change, break through innovation, promote ourselves continuously; In the meantime, we as always will take conception “pondered at times that will let us do better”. With this idea, we assist the enterprise customers with raising their management level the management achievements and the comprehensive competitive power quickly and steadly.