Hartford Technologies is a global manufacturer of precision balls and bearings.We specialize in rolling element andassembly solutions for manufacturers on every continent.Our Shanghai company, established in 2002, is awholly-owned foreign enterprise (WOFE) that combines the powerful strategicadvantages and flexibilities of manufacturing in China,Hartford offers extensive engineering and bearing prototyping, and is respected worldwide for its expert bearing design.In addition, we offer:Manufacturing in the US and China for the most favorable logistics and shipping costs.Advanced Inventory Management System that minimizes lead times worldwide.Warehousing for domestic, Asian and European customers at locations most advantageous to each customer.All products fully traceable from raw material through finished product.ISO 9001:2008 certification.阿托孚迪(上海)傳動產品有限公司,是著名的美國汽車零部件公司Hartford Technologies.Inc設在浦東南匯開發區的獨資企業。公司主要產品為用于汽車、工業、醫療等行業的精密軸承和其它滾動運動產品。美國總部具有80年的悠久歷史,并且在汽車行業享有盛名,是多個世界級汽車巨頭零部件供應商,公司本著以人為本,開拓創新的宗旨,不斷為人才提供各種平臺,并提供優厚待遇及工作環境。因公司業務拓展,故希望引進各種人才能夠與公司同呼吸共命運,成就個人,成就企業。