越海國際是一家專注于食品配料貿易與實業投資的創新型企業。公司自1994年成立以來,一直秉承恪守誠信的原則,陸續與國內外多家知名食品配料生產企業建立了長期戰略合作伙伴關系,成為其優質食品配料在中國的主要代理商。公司在廣東、上海、廣西、中國香港等地區和國家設立了多家分支機構,同時擁有完善的物流配送系統,能根據客戶的需求及時提供完善快捷的服務。公司長期堅持實現股東利益合理化和員工價值大化。乘風破浪應有時,直掛云帆濟滄海。越海人滿懷信心,積極進取,為成為中國的優質食品配料提供商而不懈努力。Company BriefTOIC Group is an innovative enterprise focusing on food ingredient trading and business investment. Founded in 1994, with the principle of being integrity, it has established long term cooperative partnership with many local and foreign companies. It has set up branches in Guangdong, Shanghai, Guangxi and Hong Kong in China, and in New Zealand as well, with a good supplying network to provide its customers with in time delivery and quality service. It also persists in benefit rationalization of its shareholders and value maximization of its employees.The company has always been striving for being a leading premium food ingredient supplier in China, with full confidence and aggressiveness.