PCP Management Consulting (Shenzhen) Limited is a professional services provider which is a China subsidiary of Excellent Corporate Services Limited. Since its inception in 2001, by virtue of our utmost efforts and professionalism, we have established a very strong reputation among our local and overseas clients particularly from Europe, United States and Hong Kong and we are also a trustworthy partner.華德匡成管理咨詢(深圳)有限公司是香港匡成公司事務有限公司在中國內地設立的專業服務機構。自2001年成立以來,我們憑借不懈的努力和專業的服務為國外、國內、特別是歐美及香港地區的客戶提供優質的服務,在客戶中形成了良好的聲譽,并得到了廣大客戶的信任和支持。Meanwhile, the Shenzhen Municipal Finance Bureau had granted to us a bookkeeping licence to handle accounting and tax matters on behalf of our clients.同時,我司擁有深圳市財政局頒發的《代理記賬許可證書》,具備代客戶處理會計帳務及報稅的資格。We have a biliterate and trilingual professional team with experienced expertise. We can effectively assist foreign customers to enter into the China market. As we are familiar with the industry, commerce, accounting, tax and personnel related laws and practices in China, foreign customers can concentrate to develop their business in China.我們擁有一支掌握三語兩文的專業團隊。我們能有效的協助外國客戶進入中國并熟悉中國的工商、會計稅務及人事的相關法律法規及實務操作,使外國客戶能專心的在中國市場開拓業務。