查爾斯沃思集團成立于1928年,總部位于英國,在中國和美國設有分公司,是世界的出版編輯服務提供商和版權代理機構。查爾斯沃思(中國)于1999年在北京成立,代理80多家海外出版社的幾百種學術資源在中國大陸的版權業務,包括《新英格蘭醫學雜志》(NEJM)、美國**腫瘤學會旗艦期刊JCO等。同時為多家海外出版商在國內提供品牌、市場與業務的拓展。除上述代理與拓展業務外,查爾斯沃思也是知名的學術論文語言潤色提供商,為**作者服務。Headquartered in the UK, the Charlesworth Group wasfounded in 1928, with companies and offices in China and the US. It is a worldleading publishing and editing service provider, and rights sales agent.Charlesworth China was founded in 1999, representing rights subscription andlicensing business in China for hundreds of top publications from over 80international publishers, including top publications like The NEJM, JCO of theAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology. The company also provides brandpromotion, marketing and business development services for internationalpublishers. Meanwhile, Charlesworth is one of the world’s famous languagepolishing providers, serving global authors.