Plexus (www.plexus) is an award-winning participant in the Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) industry, formed in 1979, listed in NASDAQ: PLXS, headquartered in Neenah, Wisconsin, USA. Plexus provides product design, supply chain and materials management, manufacturing, test, fulfillment and aftermarket solutions to branded product companies in the Wireline/Networking and Wireless Infrastructure, Medical, Industrial/Commercial and Defense/Security/Aerospace market sectors.Plexus specializes in mid- to low-volume, higher mix customer programs that require flexibility, agility, and flawless execution. These programs include products that are typically more complex, with higher quality and regulatory requirements. The Company’s unique Focused Factory manufacturing model and global supply chain solutions that are strategically enhanced by value-added product development and engineering services.Plexus provides award-winning customer service to more than 100 branded product companies in North America, Europe and Asia.Now, we are adding a new facility in Hangzhou with 100,000 sq ft and will start operations in October 2008 with 100 pioneer talents. This new facility will house focus factories for manufacturing and Design Center, which apart from operational and design excellence, will also provide supporting functions such as customer support, enterprise applications, system development and more.Plexus has advanced technical platform and experienced engineers and professionals. we are providing competitive compensation and training opportunities abroad if applicable.If you have the vision of becoming part of our pioneer team, please e-mail your resume and cover letter to: jobs.hz@plexus.貝萊勝成立于1980年并于同年在紐約納斯達克股票交易市場上市。我們在電子制造服務(EMS)行業屢獲殊榮。公司的總部設在美國威斯康星州Neenah。我們向有線/網絡無線基礎設施、醫療、工業/商業和防御/安全/航空航天市場領域的公司提供產品設計,供應鏈和材料管理,生產,測試,實施和售后市場解決方案品牌的產品。貝萊勝在美國、墨西哥、英國、馬來西亞和中國擁有15個生產工廠和5個工程網站,在世界各地有7500個工作人員。在北美,歐洲和亞洲擁有100多個產品品牌的客戶。我們的杭州工廠于2008年10月成立,面積為100,000平方英尺。如果您想成為我們團隊的一員,請把您的簡歷和求職信以郵件形式發送到:jobs.hz@plexus公司網站:www.plexus