上海未來伙伴機器人有限公司成立于1996年,是伙伴機器人產業的**開創者,目前擁有能力風暴(ABILIX)、銥童(YIRO)、進化力(EVOX)、龍衛士?(DRAGONGUARD?)、創新核?(INNOX?)五大品牌。能力風暴?(ABILIX?)是教育機器人的**開創者和領導者,于1998年在**率先發布了**臺教育機器人,致力于為學校提供教育機器人,目前已有31個國家一萬多個學校用戶,致力于創建直營和特許經營的能力風暴機器人活動中心,為社區學生提供成功能力的訓練場,致力于為家庭提供教育機器人。能力風暴教育機器人是世界教育機器人大賽(WER)唯一比賽平臺。銥童(YIRO) 是家用機器人的開創者,我們的目標是家家擁有機器人伙伴,致力于為家庭提供智能機器人。進化力(EVOX)是工業機器人+的**開創者,于2005年,在**首先開始研究基于互聯網的模塊化工業機器人,致力于為工業界提供新一代的更模塊化、更智能、更互聯、更**的工業機器人,創建工業機器人+生態圈。龍衛士?(DRAGONGUARD?)是單兵機器人的**開創者,致力于為軍隊提供單兵使用的用于偵察、監控、危險清除、攻擊的微小型海、陸、空機器人。創新核?(INNOX?)是研究機器人的**領導者,致力于為研究人員提供進行技術與科學研究的尖端機器人開放平臺。創新核已有**300多家高校和科研機構用戶。五大品牌,一個產業航向,像激光一樣專注于伙伴機器人新產業的創造,未來伙伴開創的這一新產業,**將擁有每年1000億以上的市場,五大品牌的使命是持續擴大產業總量,持續成為每年兩倍速增長的****品牌。公司創始人惲為民博士在**首次提出了通用行為結構理論,奠定了生物機器人學的理論基礎,并是教育機器人學的創始人之一。他于1998年應邀參加了克林頓總統的午餐會,交談主題為:“我的中國夢”;2001年惲為民博士被美國三一學院授予教育機器人學國際領袖獎。2001年,公司被評為上海市高新技術企業,參與眾多863攻關項目,是國內擁有發明多的機器人公司(共161項),其中已獲發明專利授權30多項,黨和國家領導人多次參觀指導公司的伙伴機器人產業。Shanghai PartnerX Robotics Co., Ltd, who is the creator and leader of robotics partner, was founded in 1996. PartnerX Robotics has 5 brands, Abilix, YIRO, EVOX, INNOX and DRAGONGUARD. ??Abilix is the creator and leader of educational robots in the world. It released the first educational robot named AS-M in 1998. ?Abilix serves more than 31 countries and 20,000 schools in the world. There is Abilix home which dedicates itself to provide the robotics training for cultivating students’ success ability and supply educational robots for households. Abilix is also the official platform of the World Educational Robots (WER) contest. ?YIRO is the pioneer of domestic robot. PartnerX, whose dreams that everyone in the world can have a robotics partner, commits itself to providing intelligent robots to household. ?EVOX is the pathfinder of industrial robot+. PartnerX started the study on internet-based modular industrial robots in 2005. The aim of EVOX is to develop a new generation industrial robot, which is more modularized, intelligent, interconnected and efficient, and to set up an industrial robots+ ecosphere. ??INNOX is the leader of robotics research. It focuses on providing an open platform with cutting-edge robots for researchers to study technology and science on. INNOX is serving more than 300 universities and scientific research institutions around the world.?DRAGONGUARD is the global inaugurator of individual military robot, which is a kind of diminutive land and air applicable military robot for military investigation, monitoring, explosive-removal and even attack.5 brands, 1 industrial direction, PartnerX, zeroes in on the partner robot development, which is worth over $100 billion annually. The mission of the 5 brands is to continuously enlarge the total economic output of the said industry and make it a No.1 brand in the world which shoots up by double turnover year by year.