NEP(TIANJIN)COMMERCIAL&TRADING CO.,LTDNEP(TIANJIN)MACHINERY CO.,LTDEstablished in 1987, NEP is North American market leader in OEM designed castings, forgings and fabricated assemblies. For over 20 years, NEP has distinguished itself through continualinvestments in engineering and quality control programs.Utilizing our wholly owned machining and fabrication facility in Tianjin China, coupled with established sound quality assurance programs using our own engineers for inspection, NEP has separated ourselves from the competition.NEP has become a well recognized supplier in the many different industries. We are a world class supplier and asset to major OEM clients in industries such as Truck, Trailer, Locomotive, Automotive, Construction Equipment, Intermodal, Agriculture Equipment, Pump and Valve, Railcar, Dump Body, Axle, Suspension as well as many others.For more information, please visit our web page at: www.norcaengWe look forward to meeting you! 諾卡(天津)商貿有限公司 諾卡(天津)機械有限公司 我公司系美國獨資企業,在中國創建于1987年,總部在美國Raleigh, 在過去的20多年中,NEP逐漸成為北美市場主要的設計及生產鑄件、機加工件的供應商,客戶遍及墨西哥、美國、歐洲等國家。產品主要有汽車配件、礦山農業機械配件、鐵路機車配件等,在中國區年采購量超過2千萬美元。 NEP中國區總部設在天津,在天津、山西均建有工廠, 并致力于多種領域的發展和壯大,已成為高品質和卓越的供應商。 做為一家美國獨資企業,NEP特別重視員工的個人發展,我們為員工提供良好的工作環境、企業文化、有競爭力的薪資福利和無限的發展空間。NEP 永遠追求卓越品質, 倡導不懈努力! 我們期待著你得關注和加盟!