EIS Group?(https://www.eisgroup)?總部位于美國舊金山,在歐洲和美國其他城市擁有13家全資子公司。**員工總數超過兩千余人,公司通過了CMMI5和ISO90012000認證。?EIS Group是世界的保險應用軟件供應商,致力于為**財、壽險公司提供保險核心業務應用軟件解決方案。EISGroup與**眾多知名保險公司都建立了長久的合作,客戶遍及**五大洲20多個國家及地區,如ACE,CHARTIS, AMI等。公司2000余名員工來自**不同國家,專注于保險業務運營咨詢、產品管理或項目實施、軟件研發等專業領域。?EIS Group完善而嚴格的管理制度,跨國際事業的理念還有語言上的優勢造就了現在的成功。我們的使命是利用先進的軟件技術,結合自身深厚的行業知識和實施經驗,為社會各界提供先進的協同應用系統、解決方案及其他服務。?與EISGroup攜手共進,開始您的**職業生涯!? ? ? ?EIS Group?(https://www.eisgroup), headquartered in San Francisco in U.S.A, has 13 wholly-owned subsidiaries in Europe and in other cities in the United States, with a total employees count of more than 2000. The company has passed ISO9001 2000 certification and CMMI5 certification.??????? As the first wholly-owned subsidiary established in China,?EIS Group?is an independent software company with a high starting point and position, focusing on international outsourcing services, in collaboration with international application solutions. Relying on the software services outsourcing strength of the eadquarters, Exigen Information Services (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is committed to developing itself into the largest supplier of software services outsourcing in East China, providing high-quality service for customers in the fields of high-end, medium and low-end software services outsourcing business. Exigen’s services range from software development, testing, systems integration, consulting, services outsourcing, to other aspects of the IT service industry. ? ? ? ??EIS Group?Company owns a improved and strict management system, concept of cross-international cause as well as linguistic advantage and thereby creates the current success of parent company. Exigen Information Services (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. will fully inherit the management concept, customer resources, corporate culture and a variety of soft resources of the parent company, and then conduct localization in China. Exigen employees hold an international vision towards outsourcing development, and the company will help the multinational companies in China to step into the world. Exigen Services will become a window for the world in the understanding China's software outsourcing companies.??????? Our mission is to make use of advanced software technology, to provide advanced collaborative applications, solutions and other services for various circles of society by integrating with their own industry knowledge and implementation experience.