SMP is a leading specialist for automotive exterior and interior modules in the automotive industry.Samvardhana Motherson Peguform (SMP) is a leading expert in plastic technologies and a system partner to the automotive industry. A Specialist in cockpits, door panels, bumper modules and innovative plastic vehicle body parts, SMP has successfully established a footprint in Europe, China, Mexico and Brazil. In 2015/16, the company generated external revenue of 2.6 billion Euro.13,000 employees around the globe are dedicated to meeting the complex demands of both today and tomorrows automotive industry in terms of quality, safety, aesthetics and economic efficiency. Global networking guarantees benefits to the whole group, including highly successful processes and vast industry expertise.SMP is a member of Samvardhana Motherson Group, which has more than 70,000 employees and is one of the 50 largest automotive suppliers.SMP AUTOMOTIVE INTERIORS (BEIJING) CO., LTD is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Germany, registered capital is 6 million Euro, it was founded in Mar 31, 2014, headquartered in Freiburg, Germany.SMPBJ is the first-Tier supplier of Mercedes-Benz, undertake the R&D and supply of Door panel BR 213 project.it has been achieve SOP phase on June,2016.We are welcome the ambitious people who has automotive industry or manufacturing background to our company.?薩瑪是汽車行業內外飾領域的領航者。薩瑪在塑性技術是行業領導者,更是汽車行業的系統合作伙伴,在駕駛艙、門板、保險杠模塊、創新汽車部件領域是行業,薩瑪已經成功地在歐洲、中國、墨西哥、巴西建立我們的工廠,在2015/16公司營業額26億歐元;世界范圍內有13,000名員工,致力于滿足現今及未來汽車行業在質量、安全、美學、經濟效益等復雜多變的需求;國際化的工作網絡,保證了集團在汽車行業內的過程管理和專業技術上的不斷成功,并能使客戶和員工能有機會在**范圍內獲益和分享。薩瑪是**50大汽車供應商SMG集團的一員,該集團**范圍內擁有70,000名員工。薩瑪汽車內飾(北京)有限公司,是德國在華全資子公司.注冊資本600萬歐元,成立于2014年3月31日,總部位于美麗的德國小鎮弗萊堡。SMPBJ,作為奔馳一級供應商,承擔了其BR213門板項目的研發及供貨,此項目已于2016年6月正式在北京投產.公司目前處于初始建立階段,歡迎大量的擁有汽車行業背景及工廠制造經驗的有志之士加入我們的團隊!