蘇州壹達生物科技有限公司是一家專業(yè)電轉染儀研發(fā)生產商,其核心團隊由國內多學科、多領域的12名精英組成, 其中有6名博士,包括2名國家特聘‘千人計劃’和4名高校教授,在小核酸制藥、微電子學與MEMS、細胞免疫治療、健康美容和國內國際營銷領域均有卓越成就。壹達生物科技在細胞電轉染領域擁有自主知識產權,其中發(fā)明專利14項(9項已授權、5項申請中)、實用新型專利6項(4項已授權、2項申請中),并擁有3項PCT專利申請,其中3項已申請進入美國和歐盟。壹達**細胞電轉染儀填補國內電轉染設備領域的空白,并以其高轉染效率、高細胞成活率、超高轉染通量等優(yōu)越性能贏得客戶和市場。壹達現(xiàn)在制造銷售的產品為科研用電轉染儀X-Porator H1, 高單次處理量可達3ml。2017年下半年將推出流式電轉儀,高處理量可達250ml ,可用于科研,抗體藥物生產和細胞免疫治療研究(創(chuàng)新醫(yī)療器械注冊證申請中)。Etta Biotech Co., Ltd. has a founding team of 12 members with a wide range of research and business backgrounds such as RNA pharmaceutics, microelectronics, MEMS, immunotherapy, cosmetic and marketing. 6 of them possess a Ph.D degree, 2 of them are National 1000-Plan Experts and 4 are professors from top universities.Etta Biotech possesses an intellectual property portfolio including 14 invention patents (9 of them having been authorized and 5 of them being applied), 6 utility model patents??(4 of them having been authorized and 2 of them being applied), and 3 PCT patent applications, of which 3 have been applied for US and EU patents.Etta Biotech is ?a Chinese company specialized in R&D of electroporation technology and products. Its cell electroporation system X-Porator H1 was launched in August 2015 and has won customers with its excellent performance such as high transfection efficiency, high cell survival rate, high single transfection volume (up to 3ml) etc. In the second-half of 2017, Etta Biotech will launch a new series of electroporator product, the flow electroporator X-Porator F with a maximum single treatment volume of up to 250ml, which would meet transfection needs in scientific research, antibody drug production and cell immunotherapy of cancer.