??Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd. ("FII") is a wholly owned company of the British Columbia Government in Canada. FII is responsible for international market development and market acceptance activities for BC forest products in existing andemerging markets. The hiring Company, FII Consulting (Shanghai) Co.Ltd. (林創咨詢(上海)有限公司 "FII China") is a wholly foreign owned enterprise (WFOE) of FII, established to pursue FII’s marketing and promotional objectives in China and to provide the legal structure to pay for services and staff in China. FII China operates essentially as a division of FII Ltd., and has no separatecorporate mandate.Representing the Canadian forest industry in China, the Canada Wood Group (CWG) in partnership with FII China has been instrumental in the successful first phase of the strategy to introduce wood frame construction to the Chinese market and significantly increase the volume of lumber exported. CWG and FII China will be entering the next phase of their China Strategy to build on opportunities that will further increase the value of the wood exported. Key to the success of CWG and FII China going forward will be their collective ability to collaborate and work in unison as the China Enterprise, to implement a strategic plan that aligns Canada’s forest industry objectives, targets, and strengths with Chinese government policy and commercial activity.