Today the lojas Renner S.A. counts with more than 350 operations betweenstores of Renner, camicado and youcom, totaling approximately 17000 employees.After decades of good performance in the form of department stores with a widemix of products (domestic utensils, furniture and clothing), Renner hasundergone a radical restructuring and, in the beginning of the 1990s, beganoperating in the form of a store specializing in fashion, clothing, footwear,accessories and cosmetics.In 2002, an important step was taken in theevolution of Renner. The collections have been developed from five styles oflife, reflecting a way of being and dressing, on the basis of attitudes,interests, values, personalities and habits of customers. Thus was born theslogan "you have your style. Renner is all. "Renner also is already present in all Brazilian states and inaugurated its first operation outside of Brazil in Montevideo (Uruguay), leading to its solid culture that cherishes the enchantment through their employees. In addition,the company also account with a financial institution, the place. With a strong brand, opportunities for all and the recognition of the team, Renner has acorporate environment for "all style of career"