GiGroup, HQ located in Milan, Italy, which is found in 1998, is one of the world's leading companies providing services for the development of the labor market,operating in the fields of temporary and permanent staffing, outsourcing,overseas HR, search and selection, as well as a variety of complementaryactivities. With the international expansion, Gi Group now has more than 450branches that cover 20 countries and regions, which include Italy, Germany, UK,France, Spain, Poland, Russia, Romania, China, Hong Kong, India , and etc. GiGroup brands include , , , , , , , and .總部位于意大利米蘭的杰艾集團 (Gi Group),成立于1998 年,目前已發展成為**的人力資源服務供應商,在短長期派遣,人事外包,人才選拔,招聘,勞務外包,海外HR,入職培訓,獵頭服務等領域都處于地位。在**20多個國家和地區設有450 家分支機構,包括意大利,德國,英國,法國,西班牙,波蘭,俄羅斯,羅馬尼亞,中國,印度等國家。GiGroup 下屬品牌包括 , , , , , , , and.Atthe end of 2010 Gi Group became a "Multiregional Corporate Member" ofCIETT, the International Confederation of Private Employment Agencies. In thisrole, Gi Group has joined six other human resource multinationals.2010年底,Gi Group 成為 CIETT (人力機構國際聯盟)“**成員”。這一新的角色,使Gi Group 加入到了**六大人力資源跨國公司的行列之中。Ourmission: Through our services we want to contribute, as a key player and on aglobal basis, to the evolution of the labor market and to the education of thepersonal and social value of work.我們的使命是:作為**核心的人力資源供應商,通過服務,我們致力于為勞力市場的革新以及個人和社會的價值教育貢獻力量。Now,Gi Group China is the vice-president of Shanghai HR Consulting Association andthe president and founding member of Ningbo HR Consulting Association.Currently, Gi Group China has 36 branches nationally with 4 hub branches inBeijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu.目前,杰艾(中國)已是上海人才服務行業協會副會長單位,同時也是寧波人力資源服務行業協會會長單位。到目前為止,杰艾(中國)已在全國 10 多個省份擁有 36 家分公司,在北京、上海、廣州、成都等地開設子公司及分支機構。集團主頁:www.gigroup中國區主頁:www.gigroup.net聯系人:張小姐聯系方式:0574-27952604中國區總部地址:寧波市江東區啟新路128號八駿灣A座1006室