美工場, 是一個用現代設計語言服務中國的家居和設計品牌,一家以設計為主導的地毯材料供應商,業務范圍涉及辦公、酒店、商業綜合體、學校、醫院、公共圖書館等各種空間。As a design brand focus on China local market with its space design expertise under modern design context, MelodyCity is a design-oriented interior decoration material supplier, with business range covering from offices, hotels, hospitals & care centers, to public libraries and more.目前旗下主營代理品牌為 美國蕭氏方塊地毯(Shaw Carpet)·蕭氏地毯(中國)有限公司 (Shaw Carpet (China) Co., Ltd)是一家全資美資地毯制造公司,其母公司 Shaw Industries是**大的地毯生產商,是伯克希爾.哈薩維公司的子公司,為世界首富股神巴菲特所擁有,總部在美國佐治亞州的道爾頓,舉世聞名的世界地毯之都。Shaw Carpet (China) Co., Ltd is invested by Shaw Industries. Shaw Industries, a Berkshire Hathaway Company, is the world’s largest carpet manufacturer.·使用進口原料進行生產,與美國原廠出產的產品品質保持一致。Imported raw material ensure globally consistent products that adhere to the same high quality standards worldwide.·產品提供終身商用質保。Lifetime warranties ensure superior quality and value.我們致力于營造健康舒適人文的工作和生活環境,和開發商、酒店管理公司、設計師一起共同來完成空間設計概念的實現,創造美好的消費體驗; We’ve been dedicated to designing and creating pleasant, comfortable, human-centered workspaces and living spaces. By working together with real estate developers, hotel management companies and design companies, we help realize original design concept, so as to create a wonderful experience to end consumers.