Profile New AREVA ( ORANO China )?New AREVA transforms nuclear materials so that they can be used to support the development of society, first and foremost in the field of energy.?The group offers products, technologies and services with high added value throughout the entire nuclear fuel cycle, from raw materials to waste treatment. Its activities encompass mining, uranium chemistry, enrichment, used fuel recycling, logistics, dismantling and engineering.?New AREVA and its 20,000 employees bring to bear their expertise and their mastery of cutting-edge technology, as well as their permanent search for innovation and unwavering dedication to safety, to serve their customers in France and abroad. 新阿海琺充分利用核物質的潛能,滿足人們的能源需求,對社會的發展做出貢獻。?新阿海琺聚焦核燃料循環全產業鏈(從原材料到廢料處理),提供高附加值的產品、技術和服務。業務范圍涵蓋核產業鏈前端的鈾礦業、鈾轉化和鈾濃縮,以及后端的乏燃料回收利用、核物流、核設施退役和工程設計等。?新阿海琺及其20,000名員工憑借卓越的專業經驗、對前沿技術的掌握、不斷追求創新的精神,以及在核安全與設施安保方面的嚴格要求,為法國和世界各國客戶竭誠服務。