Telit Wireless Solutions (AIM: TCM listed under Telit Communications PLC), is a global enabler of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications providing cellular, short range and positioning modules; and through its business unit m2mAIR, M2M managed and value added services, in application enablement and connectivity including mobile network side and cloud. Telit is M2M’s top one-stop-shop offering synergistic hardware and value added services bundles along with low-entry cost PaaS for rapid application development. With over 12 years exclusively in M2M, the company constantly advances technology through seven R&D centers around the globe; marketing products and services in over 80 countries.By supplying scalable products interchangeable across families, technologies and generations, rapid prototyping tools for application development, and M2M tailored connectivity, Telit is able to curb development costs, protect design investments and reduce technical risk. The company provides customer support and design-in assistance through 32 sales and support offices, a global distributor network of experts with over 30 competence centers, and the Telit Technical Support Forum.Telit provides all products services and facilities to connect organizations to the Internet of Things (IoT) allowing them to wirelessly collect, process and respond to real-world data from connected devices, creating new efficiencies, revenue streams, societal and personal benefits. Join the conversation and learn more about Telit and its customers’ innovative applications on Facebook and Twitter.關于泰利特泰利特無線通訊有限公司(Telit Wireless Solutions),隸屬于泰利特通信公共有限公司(Telit Communications PLC),作為**M2M行業的推動者,泰利特為客戶提供蜂窩、短距離、定位模塊產品,并通過旗下業務單元m2mAIR提供包括連接在內的增值服務。作為一家在M2M行業擁有超過12年市場經驗的公司,泰利特不斷提高其在業內的技術地位,現在**擁有7個研發中心,為超過80個國家提供市場產品和服務。通過提供可在家庭、技術甚至幾代人中進行互換、擴展的產品,泰利特能夠始終保持較低的開發成本,以保護客戶的設計投資。泰利特憑借其32個銷售網點、遍布**的專業分銷網絡、超過30座能力中心以及網上技術支持論壇,為客戶提供及時、完善的技術支持和產品設計。泰利特幫助企業與組織建立與物聯網 (IoT) 之間的連接,以通過已連接的設備對現實生活中的數據進行無線收集、處理及響應,從而提**率、創造營收,并為人們帶來福利。您可訪問泰利特官網(www.telit),或通過關注泰利特新浪微博@泰利特中國獲取更多資訊。