比利時 Orthodyne 公司創立于 1923 年,從事高質量氣體分析儀和色譜儀研發制造已經有 50 幾年歷史,在國內也有多年成功發展經驗和廣大客戶。Orthodyne 公司于2008 年 7 月在上海外高橋保稅區注冊成立生產制造型獨資企業,傲領分析技術(上海)有限公司,為國內客戶提供強有力的服務支持和開發生產具有競爭性的產品,做為 Orthodyne 公司面向亞太市場和客戶的區域總部。 傲領分析技術提供以下的產品和服務:. 在線色譜儀和實驗室色譜儀. 在線分析儀器測量氮、水分、總碳氫. 氣體分析工程設計和解決方案. 氣體分析機柜成套服務. 色譜軟件解決方案. 特定氣體分析應用. 售后支持與客戶培訓. Established in 1923, the Belgian company of Orthodynehas been involved in the research and development, as wellas manufacture, of superior quality gas analysis andchromatography equipment. With over 50 years ofexperience, Orthodyne has become a successful enterpriseengaged in development spanning a large customer base.In July of 2008, Orthodyne Analytical (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.was established as a wholly foreign-owned enterprise(WFOE) in the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone. Thisinvestment demonstrates a strong commitment to customersupport on the domestic level in Asia. This enterprisewill also provide competitive products and services to theAsian-Pacific market, as well as serve as a regionalheadquarters. Orthodyne Analytical (Shanghai) is dedicated to supplyingthe following products and services to our customers: Online and laboratory chromatography . Online analysis instrumentation to measure nitrogen, moisture and total hydrocarbon levels .Gas analysis engineering design and solutions .Gas analysis housing unit packages . Chromatography Software Solutions . A specific Gas Analysis application .After-sales support and customer training .公司主頁:www.orthodyne.be