義科自動化(上海)有限公司成立于2014年。坐落于上海市寶山區機器人產業園區,有著得天獨厚的地理優勢以及當地政府的支持。Aramini公司是其中股東之一,能為我們提供的設計以及技術支持。ramini srl is a young, flexible company working in the sector of automation. We design, develop and assemble single automated machines, complete automated assembly lines and robotic sections of plants. We have worked in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, electronic production and assembly lines in general.Our office can supply a range of services, from consultancy to a design studio as well as the construction of machinery and entire assembly lines. We also are able to integrate, modify and provide service to existing plant and machinery. Aramini srl 是一家年輕、充滿活力的公司,致力于自動化領域。專業設計、研發以及組裝自動化設備。為工廠提供整套的自動化組裝線以及機器人設備。給化妝品、醫藥、電子產品領域提供過生產組裝線。提供從咨詢、設計、設備制造,整線制造的一系列服務。同時,也能為現有工廠和設備提供集成、改進的業務。The company began operating in 2001 as an engineering firm, with the tendency towards the development of new products, hoping to engage in new projects in the area of automation, as that was the sector where we had already had years of experience.2001年,作為一家工程公司成立并營業。掌握新產品發展趨勢,以及多年的自動化經驗,使我們能夠積極參與自動化領域的新項目。The company later grew, opening a production plant and a service department as a consequence of our client’s needs.At the moment the company makes automatic assembly lines independently.隨著公司的發展,逐步開設了生產工廠和服務部門來滿足客戶的需求。目前公司能生產自動裝配生產線。We are capable of designing mechanical and electrical systems, software development, construction, fine-tuning, test-runs and after-sales service.我們的服務涵蓋:機械和電氣系統的設計、軟件開發、制造、微調、試運行以及售后服務等各個環節。The experience gained in extremely high precision automation allows us to offer our services as a partner in developing a product and the corresponding production process. The goal is to create automatic systems that are extremely flexible, able to meet all the requirements of the client.高、精、尖的自動化經驗,使我們能夠成為客戶的合作伙伴,對客戶新產品研發和生產工藝開發提供服務。實現制造高度靈活的同時滿足客戶的各種需求的自動化系統目標。If the client is part of the development process, then subsequent problems deriving from the production process are reduced to a minimum. Co-operation at the planning stage means that the plant is designed with the real needs of the client in mind, avoiding inefficient, expensive solutions.如果將客戶融入開發過程中,那么就能大程度避免后期生產工藝造成的問題。做方案的時候開展合作意味著設計滿足客戶的真正需求,避免了無效率、昂貴的解決方案。We offer our services therefore in the following areas;我們提供以下服務:·Servicing on automated machinery and production lines·自動化設備和生產線·Rebuilding existing automated machinery and production lines·重建已有自動化設備和生產線·Planning, designing and construction of automated machinery·為自動化設備做方案、設計以及制造·Planning, designing and development of products that can be produced in automated assembly lines·為產品能在自動化生產線生產提供方案、設計以及開發