蘇州德特科工業自動化有限公司成立于2014年, 坐落于蘇州園區.由德國TAKTOMAT GmbH投資組建, 專業研發,設計,組裝各類驅動設備,并經營多種不同尺寸及型號的分度盤、傳輸系統/傳送裝置等。100%德國進口技術或產品、成熟的銷售和服務團隊為國內生產型企業、自動化設備制造商以及高水平自動化生產線制造商提供佳的解決方案及的服務。迄今為止,公司產品已覆蓋中國全境。Taktomat (Suzhou) Automation Co., Ltd. was established in 2014, locatedin Suzhou Industrial Park district, was invested by Taktomat GmbH, TaktomatSuzhou is specializing in the R&D, design and assembling different type ofdriving unit, also import, export different size and type of transmissiondevice and system, for example: rotary index table, linear system etc.100%Germany imported technology or products, professional sales and after salesteam to provide reasonable solutions and good service for the domestic high-endmanufacturing and automation equipment manufacturers and the high levelautomatic production line manufacturers. So far, our products have covered thewhole territory of China.