建筑承載了人類的現實與夢想,歷史與未來,人們對建筑的安全、舒適、美觀等的追求從未停止,建筑領域的專業人士也從未止步于現有的產品與服務水平。深圳倍孚達建材有限公司(BFP INDUSTRY CO. LTD)自成立以來致力于為**工程客戶提供優質的產品及專業可靠的服務。BFP堅信只有“專業”才能服務“專業”, 我們精于產品結構設計與成本控制,準確把握工程需求與預算配置,確保產出質量達到或超出工程規劃與設計的要求。我們服務的客戶來自超過50個國家并主要是工程采購、開發商、承建商,我們深知每一個專業級客戶的潛在需求并以優的性價比去實現和滿足。對于過去我們所提供與實現的服務與價值,我們深感驕傲! BFP的團隊成員來自于各領域的專業人士,我們追求簡單**,以達到或實現**的客戶價值為重要執行標準。我們尊重個人成長,無論是初入職場的新人還是具備豐富行業經驗的精英,我們都將不斷提供職業化及專業化的持續提升空間。 如果你在尋找一個可以一生都不必轉行的行業,如果你在找尋一個處于發展上升期能夠提供無限發展可能的公司,請與與我們聯系!BFP Industry co. LTD. was developed to provide superior products and reliable service to worldwide customers especially professional of the construction industry, or the people happen to be engaged in project work. BFP people believe only “the professional” can serve professional, as customers have to consider and care about more things besides the actual materials or products, but also how it impact their life or benefit the business. BFP will keep on working hard to stay in the first-class provider of construction and decoration products & service solution.With us, benefit more