??深圳市菲柏文化傳播有限公司,是一家以外籍模特經紀管理和推廣的大型文化傳播機構,其團隊為從事模特經紀行業及商業攝影行業多年并具有豐富專業素質的從業人員,Fable Model的合作伙伴均為國內外著名的時尚攝影師、全國廣告攝影機構,時尚策劃及培訓機構、國內外知名服裝品牌,珠寶首飾品牌等,我們一方面致力于積極引進世界各國的模特資源,與美國,英國,法國,米蘭,歐洲,澳洲及亞洲等地的**頂級模特經紀機構進行模特資源交換和共享,另一方面也努力培養高素質的中國超模,將其推向世界各大時尚之都。我們的宗旨:以高素質的模特服務高素質的客戶。Fable model management is a large-scale cultural center that combines Chinese and Foreign models’ manegement and promotion.. We are experienced in model manegement for years,. We’ve also got professional and efficiency PRs to work on public relationship with medias and clients. Partners of us are all national famous fashion photographers , event planners and fashion designers. On one hand, we’ve been working on introducing high-quality models around the world into China, and share models from famous model agencies of America, Canada, Europe, Australia and Asian etc.. On the other hand, we make effort at training fine Chinese models, promoting and sending them to cities of fashion around the world.Clients of us covers areas of clothing industy, household and personal care chemical industry , jewels and accessories industry, electrical products and various kinds of them. At the same time, we do image promotion. for medias. Our theme is: Serve the high-quality clients with high-quality model serves.公司地址:深圳市福田區深南大道2008號中國鳳凰大廈2棟908.