公司簡介:上海同濟遠大環保機械工程有限公司是由城市污染控制國家工程研究中心、建設 部同濟大學環衛機械研究所等共同投資組建的有限責任公司。公司主要從事環衛設備和專用車輛的研發、生產、銷售和環衛工程的設計、咨詢。公司具有極強的技術開發、產品設計和工程能力。公司開展廣泛的國際技術交流和合作,并擁有自主知識產權,擁有多項專利。公司主要服務內容及產品: 1.環境衛生專業規劃、環境衛生設施建設規劃、生活垃圾和糞便收 運及處理規劃。2.垃圾中轉站布點規劃、中轉站設計及設備制造、安裝和調試。3.環衛專用車輛(車廂可卸式垃圾車、側裝壓縮車、專用中轉車輛等)4.堆肥處理技術成套設備堆肥廠選點及環境評價、堆肥工藝選擇、堆肥廠成套設備設計、制 造安裝和調試。5. 環衛專用設施(提供非標設備設計、制造等)。 Company Profiles:Shanghai Tongji FARUN Environmental Sanitation Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. is invested by National Engineering Research Center for Urban Pollution Control , Mechanical Institute for Environmental Sanitation of Tongji University under Ministry of Construction. It is mainly specialized in research and development, production and marketing of environmental sanitation equipment and special vehicles, and design or consulting of environmental project.Thus the company is extremely powerful in technical development, product design and engineering design. The company carries out extensive international technology exchange and cooperation, and possesses independent intellectual property rights.The main service and products of the company are as follows: 1.Professional planning in environmental sanitation, and construction planning in environmental sanitation facilities, collection and transportation and disposal planning in living refuse and excrements. 2.Refuse transfer technology and transfer equipment transfer station arrangement plan and scheme design, and equipment manufacture, installation and commissioning and transfer vehicle. 3.Special vehicle for environmental sanitation (detachable carriage refuse truck, side-loaded compression truck and special transfer vehicle). 4.Compost treatment technology and equipment, site selection of compost plant and environmental evaluation, compost technology selection, design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of equipment in compost plant. 5.Special facilities and equipment for environmental sanitation (design and manufacture of non-standard equipment).