蘇州美力格科技有限公司是一家美資企業。美力格科技1992年在美國洛杉磯創建,2008年在中國蘇州成立蘇州美力格科技有限公司。公司位于蘇州相城區陽澄湖鎮,占地面積10000平米。美力格專注于制造供工業使用的玻璃鋼模壓格柵、拉擠格柵、特制酚醛格柵、平板格柵、導電格柵、樓梯板、格柵緊固件、格柵支撐系統、梯子、扶手、護欄和各類玻璃鋼型。公司秉承“質量**,客戶至上”的指導思想,從產品的簽訂、生產到交付使用的整個生命周期內,全面貫徹實施ISO9001質量管理體系和6S管理,竭誠為每一個用戶提供優質的產品。此外,公司以現代化的科學管理理念、系統的管理方法、靈活的經營機制,通過持續不斷的技術創新,努力發揮行業優勢,與社會各界同仁一起攜手合作,竭誠為廣大客戶提供的優質服務。American Grating was founded in1992 inLos Angeles. In 2008, Suzhou American Grating Co., LTD was established and began manufacturing Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) structural products in their new 10000 square meter manufacturing facility, located in the Suzhou Xiangcheng Economic Development Zone.Suzhou American Grating is a manufacturer of premium quality FRP structural products including high strength molded grating, pultruded grating, stair treads, structural shapes, ladders and handrails for industrial and commercial applications.Suzhou American Grating is guided by, and adheres to the ideology of “quality first / customer first”. From receipt of the order, through production and delivery, ISO 9001 ideas, processes and procedures are fully embraced and implemented, providing our customers with the highest quality of product and superior service. Additionally, our company continuously seeks and incorporates modern scientific management tools, systems management, flexible operational structures, and through continuous technological innovation. We strive to maintain a competitive advantage. By doing so, we are able to provide our customers a full range of top quality products and services.公司地址:江蘇省蘇州市相城區陽澄湖鎮鳳陽路293號電話:(0512)8588 8126 傳真:(0512)8588 8160Http://www.amgrating