廣州市小檸檬體育發展有限公司簡介關于小檸檬廣州市小檸檬體育發展有限公司,是國內首家專注騎行運動培訓和青少年BMX小輪車教學的傳騎俱樂部。公司以點燃激情成就夢想為宗旨,以專業技術團隊為核心,引進國際化騎行訓練理念,結合中國青少年身體特點,開發出專業系統的騎行技能與體能教學大綱。 公司位于體育運動氣息濃厚的廣州奧林匹克體育中心內,自成立以來,以專業的國家隊騎行教練員、專業的騎行產品開發研究員、專業的騎行機械師、專業的騎行訓練賽道以及專業的騎行教學大綱組成的5P體系為核心,在國內贏得眾多青少年的肯定與支持,開創了國內運動型品牌的“傳騎”之旅。 公司與廣東省自行車運動協會達成戰略合作。榮獲廣東省青少年騎行培訓示范基地、廣東省BMX小輪車教學專業培訓中心、廣東省自行車運動退役運動員之家等殊榮,并聯合廣東省自行車運動協會為學員頒發培訓合格證書。同時,可優先推薦學員參加專業省隊及國家隊人才選拔,走向為國爭光的冠軍之路。 小檸檬,愿每一位青少年在這里都能找到適合自己的騎行技能與方法,開啟--我的傳“騎”我做主的激情與夢想之旅。我們的定位:專注青少年的騎行運動我們的口號:我的傳騎 我做主我們的愿景:做中國好的個性運動品牌我們的使命:提高身體體能,讓夢想點燃激情我們的理念:專業化、系統化、個性化、國際化小檸檬廣州旗艦店【地址:廣州市天河區大觀南路36號 即奧體中心廣場 房車交易中心旁邊】【電話:020-8343533】【傳真:020-82343599】小檸檬山東威海店【地址:威海市體育場二層14號 環翠區文化中路】【電話:0631-5183533】Company profileAbout Mini LemonGuangzhou Mini LemonSports Development Co., Ltd, which is the first cycling club focused on theprofessionaltraning and coachingof cycling BMX for teenagers in China. Our mission is “ignite passion and dream for theyouth”. Our professional team has developed the uniqite systematic trainingprogram according with the international advanced training concept and thephysical characteristics of Chinese youth.Mini Lemon located in GuangzhouOlympic Sports Center, be famous with the 5P system which is composed ofnational coach,riding productdevelopment expert,riding mechanic,professional training track, and also theadvanced training program. Bebenefit with theseadvantages,Mini Lemon has become thefirst sports brand of legendary cycling in China. Mini Lemon has reached a strategic cooperativerelationship with Guangdong Bicycle Sports Association. Wealso won a series ofhonorincluding GuangdongYouth Cycling Training and Demonstration Base, Guangdong BMX Training Centerand Guangdong Retired Cyclist’s Home. As part of cooperation withGuangdong BicycleSports Association, we issue certificate to the qualified trainee,andwe alsorecommed theexcellent trainees to the provincial team or national team for further trainingand culture, help the youth to pursue the road of professional athletes. We wish every youth can find out their own way forriding at Mini Lemon, We wish every youth can ignite the passion and dream forlegendary cycling from Mini Lemon!Our position: Devoted to the youth’s cycling sportOur slogan: My legendary cycling, My dreamOur prospect: Become the best personalized sports brand in ChinaOur mission: Improve physical quality and ignite the dreamOur concept: Be professional, systematic, personalized and internationalMini Lemon Guangzhou Flagship StoreAddress:Guangzhou OlympicSportsCentre,No.36, Daguan Southern Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou CityTel: 020-8343533 Fax: 020-82343599Mini Lemon Shandong Weihai StoreAddress: No.14, 2nd floor, Weihai Stadium Wenhua Middle Road, Huancui DistrictTel: 0631-5183533