公司簡介北京能高自動化技術有限公司是一家注冊于北京海淀區的高新技術企業。公司以電力電子技術和控制技術為主導,致力于風能、太陽能發電等技術的研究,供應各種風光發電配套產品。能高與國內外多所著名高校、研究所和業內知名企業建立了戰略伙伴關系,先后開發了具有自主知識產權、國際先進的大功率風力發電變流器、光伏發電變流器、風電機組整機智能控制和安全運營保障等系列產品。能高多次承擔國家863計劃項目和國家科技支撐計劃重點項目,擁有多項國內外水平的新能源技術和研究成果,為可再生能源發電行業提供先進的自動化技術方案。About NegoBeijing Nego Automation Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise guided by power electronics and control technology and specializes in R&D of PV and wind power generation technology. We offer various types of renewable energy power supplies, such as wind and PV power converter etc. Benefit from undertaking many State’s key projects, Nego has established a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with numbers of domestic universities, research institutes and other enterprises. We are proactive to meet your requirements and provide optimum automation solution to make a greener world with you.