??瑪汀瑞亞集團是一家專注于高質量汽車鋁合金配件、裝配零部件與流體控制系統生產的行業引領者,作為**主要汽車主機廠的一級供應商,我們也服務于汽車供應商以及其他相關行業。Martinrea International Inc. is a leader in the automotive industry of high-quality steel and aluminum alloy parts, assemblies, modules and fluid management systems. Besides tier one automotive supplier in the world, we also serve other automotive suppliers as well as different industrial sectors worldwide.瑪汀瑞亞集團在多倫多股票交易所上市,目前在北美,南美,歐洲以及亞洲雇傭了14000多名積極向上,技術精湛的員工。Martinrea is listed in Toronto Stock Exchange Center, currently more than 14,000 skilled and motivated employees work in 44 plants where are in North America, South America, Europe and Asia.瑪汀瑞亞宏澤鋁制配件(余姚)有限公司是瑪汀瑞亞集團旗下子公司,專注于汽車鋁合金鑄造零配件生產。公司一期建成于2014年,主要生產鋁合金支架產品。2017年中期,公司二期擴建即將完工,專業生產鋁合金轉向節、控制臂。我們的產品供應的客戶包括著名汽車品牌凱迪拉克、捷豹路虎等。通過引進世界先進的技術與設備,我們正逐步成長為一家具有重大市場影響力的汽車零部件供應商。Martinrea Honsel Aluminum Parts (Yuyao) Co. Ltd. is one branch of Martinrea International focus on production of aluminum die casting parts for top class automotive manufacturers. The company started with phase one in 2014 focused on aluminum alloy sub-frame parts. By the middle of 2017, company phase two infrastructure will be finished, which aims to the production of aluminum alloy knuckle and control arm. We have been providing high-quality product to prestigious brands such as Cadillac and Jaguar Land Rover. By introducing advanced technologies and equipment, we’re becoming a significant automotive parts supplier in the world.