北京匯達山貿易有限公司是一家專注于進口食品的貿易公司,我們的服務宗旨是安全、**、穩定。同時,我們非常關注客戶滿意度,用優質的服務讓客戶滿意是我們不懈努力的方向。因此,我們有幸成為多個國際知名品牌在中國地區的經銷商,如天然山谷(NATURE VALLEY)燕麥棒,纖味(Thins)薯片,粟莎莎(CC’S)玉米片,自然之路(NATURE’S PATH)麥片、貝蒂妙廚(Betty Crocker’s)蛋糕粉、媽媽農場(MOTHER EARTH)燕麥棒,瑪斯(MAR’S)巧克力、賀茲(Hershey)巧克力,博得(BIRDS EYE)冷凍蔬菜等。我們供貨的零售商包括,家樂福、 OLE、華聯高超、永旺、永輝、7-11、久光,綠地,物美,快客、1號店、京東商城等。我們不斷地開拓、更新產品使公司能夠持續發展。我們追求的目標是將**優質美食分享給中國的廣大消費者?BeiJing WellUnion Trading Co., Ltd is a company that focuses on safe and qualified imported food with high efficiency and stability. We also value our customers greatly by constantly improving our services to satisfy their needs. As a result, we are proud to become a distributor in China for many internationally renowned brands such as NATURE VALLEY,Thins,CC’S,NATURE’S PATH,Betty Crocker’s, MOTHER EARTH,MAR’S、Hershey,BIRDS EYE and possibly more in the future. Our retail partners include Carrefour, OLE, BHG, AEON, Yonghui, 7-11, SOGO, Greenland,Wumart, Quik, YHD, and JD, etc. We hope to grow and expand continuously to provide more excellent products from all over the world to a wide array of Chinese consumers.