納寶帝集團1985年成立于印尼萬隆。集團旗下品牌Richeese(麗芝士)和Richoco被東南亞地區廣大消費者熟知。我們精選優質原料,與現在生產工藝相結合,嚴格符合ISO質量認證標準,生產高品質,富有營養的食品,使得我們的產品成為消費者的,并多年獲得印尼品牌,銷量品牌等各種獎項。集團現擁有四大生產基地,產品暢銷東南亞、南亞、中東、澳洲、非洲各國,并將推向歐洲、北美、南美市場。2013年,麗芝士產品首度進入中國市場,短短1年即成為網絡銷量排名前三的威化類產品。2015年初,Enerlife中國-裕力富食品(上海)有限公司成立,計劃在未來兩年內籌建中國工廠,供應中國以及亞洲其他國家源源不斷的需求。我們的目標是成為全世界大的威化產品生產商。?Nabati Group was founded in 1985 in Bandung. A number of brands of our products have been widely known among consumers such as Richeese and Richoco. These products are the combination of selected raw materials with modern products processes resulting in a high quality and nutritious products. The production process also has ISO standards. The numerous advantages are making KSNI products became the consumer’s primary choice. This is proven by the numerous awards which have been acquired such as Excellent Brand Award, Top Brand Award and so on.Now we have 4 factories around the word, our products are exported to Southeast Asia, South Asia, East Asia,Middle East, Australia and Africa, our next destination is Europe, North American and South American.Richeese entered in Chinese market in 2013, 1year after, became top 3 wafer brands on line. In the beginning of 2015, Enerlife China has been founded. We plan to set up Chinese factories in the next 2 years to satisfy the growth demand of China and other Asia countries.Our target is to become the biggest wafer company in the world.