??Simmons is a leadingmattress brand worldwide. We pride ourselves in manufacturing pocketedcoil mattresses for quality, uninterrupted sleep. We are also specializedin developing and manufacturing bedding products.Founded by Mr. ZalmonG. Simmons in 1870, Simmons is a legendary U.S. brand with over 145 yearshistory. Celebrities, socialites, and successful people like EleanorRoosevelt, Henry Ford, Thomas A. Edision, Admiral Richard Byrd, H.G. Wells etc.all loved our renowned Beautyrest? mattress and were featured in ourtestimonial campaign back then. Simmons is also the mattress and beddingsuppliers of many famous, five-star hotels globally.Simmons re-entered theChina market in 2005. Our products are imported from U.S., Japan, Italyand other countries. Simmons products are distributed through differentchannels including department stores, dealers, own retail outlets, andinstitutional channel to hotel clients.To cope with the rapid business development in China, we invite high caliber candidates to fillthe vacancies. Competitive remuneration package will beoffered to the right candidates.席夢思是**床墊領導品牌。我們以制造袋裝彈簧床墊為傲,為顧客締造無中斷的優質睡眠為榮,同時我們也專門開發和生產臥室家具和寢具。席夢思是由Zalmon G. Simmons先生在1870年創立的美國傳奇品牌,擁有超過145年的歷史。名流、名人和成功人士,例如埃莉諾·羅斯福、亨利.福特、托馬斯.愛迪生、海軍上將李查伯德、赫伯特·喬治·威爾斯等人都愛席夢思著名的甜夢?系列床墊并為席夢思做代言。席夢思也是**眾多著名五星級酒店的床墊和寢具供應商。2005年席夢思再次進入中國市場,我們從美國、日本、意大利和其他國家將產品進口到中國。席夢思產品的銷售渠道包括百貨公司、經銷商、專賣店及酒店領域。隨著席夢思在中國業務發展的需要,我們誠邀人才加入本公司,公司為員工提供完善的薪資保險及日常補助、節日禮金、生日及團建活動、年底獎金。