北京加科思新藥研發公司成立于2014年,是一家致力于創新藥物研發的高新企業,如果要問加科思與其他眾多的新藥研發公司有什么不同的話,那大的不同就是我們將致力于把加科思打造成一個和科學家共同創業的“夢工場”----我們不是招募**的人才,我們將攜手有志創業的科學家共同創業。這也是公司中文名字的由來,“加”寓意為匯聚、團結一致;科”則意為科學,科研;“思”寓意為思考、專注。對于一個有創新藥研發夢想的科學家和創業者來說,都面臨著投資、團隊、研發平臺等問題,加科思采用“捆綁式創新工場”的模式,致力于解決這些問題。加科思為每一位有發明創造夢想的科學家注冊一個公司,為創業的科學家提供新藥研發投資、提供涵蓋新藥研發各個領域和環節的實驗室平臺、組建好和科學家一起工作的團隊----讓創業的科學家專心做科研,為創業的科學家提供一個實現夢想的舞臺,加科思將“讓創業、創新變得更簡單”。加科思是由北京融鑫創業投資中心、北京亦莊國際投資發展有限公司、玉晟投資公司和貝達藥業股份有限公司等共同出資成立的新藥研發企業。由留美海歸博士團隊領軍,業內資深的新藥研發及管理團隊組成,他們具有數十年的新藥創制和研發管理實踐經驗,在中國有數個有影響力的創新藥上市。??? 公司位于北京市經濟技術開發區生物醫藥園孵化中心,下設合成室、分析室、制劑室、藥理部、QA室、注冊室、醫學部等部門,公司自成立以來,已啟動包含針對惡性腫瘤、敗血癥兩個項目的研發工作,申報發明專利多項,同時公司“捆綁式創新工場”的模式也引起包括北京大學、清華大學等多個科研院所的關注和積極響應,目前已經與北京大學開展合作,共同開發新靶點藥物。??? ?“專業、**、寬厚、優雅“”是加科思的企業文化,我們也同樣秉承”Patient、science frist、moneyfollows”的理念,立足世界醫藥領域的前沿,致力于開發在**擁有自主知識產權的原研藥物,做一個受人尊敬的新藥研發企業。????Beijing Jacobio Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., a high-tech enterprise founded in 2014, is acompany dedicated to innovative drug discovery and development. We arecommitted to creating a “dream factory” with our scientists, which makesJacobio so unique from other pharmaceutical companies. We will work withaspiring scientists to joint venture together instead of recruiting the world'stop talent, which is exactly the origin of our Chinese company name “Jia SiKe”. “Jia” means gathering together and uniting as one; “Si” means thinking andfocusing; and “Ke” means science and research.For entrepreneurial scientists, there are someissues they would face such as investment, talent team, and R & D platform.Therefore, Jacobio is taking an “Innovation Bundle” model. Jacobio is committedto?addressing these problems by registering a company forscientists who have a dream of developing innovative drugs. Jacobio providesventure investment for entrepreneurial scientists. The?research laboratoryplatform?is established to cover almost all fields and aspects of drugdiscovery and development. The team we built with scientists allows them toconcentrate on research, and provides them a stage to realize their dreams. Jacobiowill make?innovation?and?entrepreneurship?simple.JacobioPharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. was founded by Beijing Rongxing venture capitalcenter, Beijing E-TOWN capital, Ltd., Taiwan Yusheng Capital Ltd., and BettaPharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The core R&D team is comprised of PhD returnees, whohave decades of experience in innovative drug development and have brought severalnew drugs to market in China.Thecompany is located in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development ZoneBiomedical Park Incubation Center, composed by synthesis lab, analytical lab,pharmacology lab, formulation lab, QA department, medical department,intellectual property department and so on. Since theestablishment of Jacobio, we have initiated couple of projects with proprietaryintellectual property rights. We will focus on the therapeutic areas which havesignificant impact on human health such as malignant tumors, cardiovascular,septicemia and so forth.Meanwhile,the "Innovation Bundle" model also attracted much attention andpositive response. Lots of famous University and research institutes includingPeking University, Tsinghua University have signed cooperation agreements withus to develop new drugs for innovative targets.“Professional,efficient、generous, elegant” is the corporate culture ofJacobio. Patients and science are at the core of our approach to drugdevelopment. To reach the forefront of the field of medicine, we will createmore and better new drugs to ensure that people have access to innovativetreatments and quality health care.