Groz-Beckert is the world's leading provider of industrial needles, precision components and fine tools as well as systems and services for the production and joining of textile surfaces. The products and services support the fields of Knitting, Weaving, Felting, Tufting and Sewing.Founded in 1852, the company today has approximately 8,000 employees and generates sales of nearly 570 million Euros. Groz-Beckert is active worldwide, with agencies, production plants and distribution subsidiaries in over 150 countries.格羅茨-貝克特是為紡織面料生產與復合而提供工業用針、精密部件、精密工具、系統及服務的**供應商。公司分為針織、機織、針刺、簇絨及縫紉五個產品事業部。格羅茨-貝克特公司始建于1852年,現有員工約8000人,年營業額將近5億7千萬歐元。格羅茨-貝克特的代理商、生產基地及銷售分公司活躍于**150多個國家。