SCM Group is one of the world's best selling woodworking machinery companies.The Group is based in Italy,with 26 factories,27 subsidiaries,60 years of experience,2 million machines working in the world,is one of the main player in both the solid wood and panel processing market.Among its trademark there are SCM, MORBIDELLI,STEFANI, IDM, GABBIANI, DMC, CELASCHI, SERGIANI AND MANY OTHERS.The Group with 4.000 employees and 700 million Euro yearly turnover, exports 70% of its production to 120 countries through subsidiaries, distributors and agents;it has a positive financial position and a worldwide leadership. SCM Group China Trading Co.,Ltd.is one of the most quickly developing subsidiaries of the SCM Group.10 years of experience in China,head office in Shenzhen,branches in Foshan and Beijing. SCM集團是世界上銷售量好的木工機械企業之一。集團總部位于意大利,擁有26間工廠,27個子公司,60年經驗,全世界共有200萬臺本集團的機器在運作著,是實木與板材加工領域中活躍的企業之一。集團旗下品牌包括有SCM,MORBIDELLI,STEFANI,IDM, GABBIANI,DMC,CELASCHI,SERGIANI和其他著名品牌。集團共有4000名員工,年銷售額達7億歐元,70%的產品通過各分公司,經銷商,代理商出口到世界120個國家。SCM集團擁有雄厚的經濟實力和**性的行業地位。 深圳埃斯曼商貿有限公司是SCM集團發展速度快的子公司之一。在中國市場已經擁有十年的經驗,總部位于深圳、北京均設有分公司。