MOL Consolidation is one of the 300 plus companies within the MOL Group. Our main objective/function is to provide 3rd party logistic solutions to our customers through physical (hardware) and systems (software) integration end to end. On the physical side, MCS can provide trucking, warehousing, customs brokerage service at origin and destination, CFS consolidation/de-consolidation services, value added service etc. On the systems side, through Starlink, MCS provides customers with PO visibility, PO tracking, PO management and Cargo Management Tools to better manage your freight. We can act independently as a single logistics provider or we can integrate as part of a chain of logistics service providers. Headquartered in Asia, Hong Kong and reporting directly to Japan as a business unit, we also have regional offices in USA and Singapore. MOL GROUP(商船三井集團)是一家日本大運輸相關行業集團,擁有世界**散裝船隊。**天然汽船,世界第三汽車滾裝船及世界前十名集裝箱船。 MOL Consolidation (商船三井集運)是由 MOL GROUP 投資的全資子公司,現在成為該集團的明日之星。 MOL Consolidation 為世界客戶提供生產至消費終端間的物流解決方案。主要從事美洲,歐洲大客戶的出口集運業務??蛻羧喊?,IKEA /LEVI’S/WILSON SPORTS 等世界品牌客戶。 自2003年成立后以來,中國已成為 MOL Consolidation網絡中為重要,大的出口國。 本公司每年均以40%以上的速度成長,期望吸引有潛力,有抱負的年輕人共同努力,創造未來。