新加坡海領集團旗下的領翔船舶服務(上海)有限公司成立于2012年2月,專注于為亞太地區的郵輪船東提供郵輪服務和技術支持的咨詢及管理方案。公司擁有資深的郵輪管理團隊,豐富從業經驗使我們能夠更好地為客戶在郵輪的預采購檢驗及評估,新造船監造及修船監督,船舶買賣及交船流程等咨詢服務方面,以及技術管理,海員招募,**物流,酒店運營,風險控制等郵輪管理方面提供綜合的業務解決方案。我們是亞洲新生代郵輪行業解決方案的領航者!Started from February 2012, Leader-ship Service (Shanghai)Limited has been focusing on providing consulting services and businesssolutions to cruise owners in Asia Pacific. With the continuous support of ourparent company, Oceanic Group Pte Ltd, today, Leader-ship is one of the topcruise service providers in China, in the areas of turnkey consultancy andtechnical supports to our clients. Working at the headquarter in Shanghai, our management staffcome from all nationalities and are experts with numerous years of experiencesin their own field. Our staff are ourmost precious resources. Our staffextensive experiences have enabled us to provide comprehensive business solutionsthat served our clients well in the areas of technical management, crew recruitment,supply-chain and logistics, hotel operations and risk management.Leader-ship’s management team is experienced andinnovative. Safety and security isparamount and enshrined in our company culture.Leader-ship also provides marine services like cruise shipinspection and evaluation for presale and charter consideration, supervision ofship construction and/or repairing and ship operation. Our vendors andsuppliers network are in all major ports in Asia Pacific and we enjoy long-termcooperation with leading shipyards. Weare familiar with the rules and the legislations of the major ports andshipyards. We are TOTAL CRUISE SOLUTIONPROVIDER!