美國惟邦環球建筑設計(北京)事務所,系VBN International 旗下以建筑設計、景觀設計和城市規劃、項目前期策劃為主業的北京設計公司?! BN International 公司下設美國VBN Architects,惟邦(亞太)規劃設計有限公司等。美國VBN Architects 成立于1958年,現已躋身于美國的設計公司,該公司位于美國加利福尼亞州奧克蘭市。公司在城市規劃、建筑設計和交通工程領域為客戶提供、全程化的專業服務。 公司總裁是全美交通導向開發(TOD)和城市設計領域的領袖級人物,曾任美國建筑師協會(AIA)區域與城市規劃委員會主席。納爾先生畢業于加州大學伯克利分校,并先后獲得文學學士和建筑學碩士,現為美國加州和猶太州的注冊建筑師?! ∠嚓P資料敬請查詢公司網站www.vbngchina www.vbnarch; (正在更新) 惟邦公司的運營理念: -集合志同道合設計師和合作伙伴,自由創作、快樂工作; -公司與員工共同發展,共同分享成長與收獲的喜悅?! ∥┌罟镜陌l展目標: -成為一個兼具商業性與學術性,有著良好組織構架與開放式工作平臺的設計公司。 惟邦公司將努力為員工提供良好的學習氛圍和發展機會。 公司目前辦公地址:北京東城區安定門東大街28號雍和大廈B座(距地鐵2號線、5號線咫尺之遙)?! 」玖硐蛟谛W生和應屆畢業生提供實習和見習機會,歡迎申請。 Firm Overview Founded in 1958, VBN Architects is an architecture, planning, and interior design firm. For over 50 years, VBN has been recognized as a leader in public facility planning and design. Based in Oakland, the firm’s practice is organized into four client groups: Education, Transportation, Civic and Commercial. Each group is led by a firm partner who is responsible for directing and managing the dedicated staff and the allocation of resources. The interaction among these groups introduces fresh thinking and innovation that enhances the critical thinking that is applied to all our design efforts. VBN is equally focused on providing highly responsive service, attuned to our clients’ unique needs. VBN also maintains a successful branch office in Beijing, China, where we have performed Architecture design, master planning services for many large municipal and commercial projects.