芝麻街英語(Sesame Street English)是美國非營利性機構芝麻街工作室(Sesame Workshop)旗下教育品牌,旨在向全世界范圍內以英語作為第二語言的3-12歲少年兒童提供佳的英語教育;提供更優質的英語教育資源;幫助孩子更好地思考、探索、激發自己大的潛能;學會互相理解及更好地了解世界!芝麻街英語(Sesame Street English)以一種新鮮有趣的方式將學習內容與浸入式語言教學法融合,應用在英語為非母語的少兒語言教育中,包含了英語,數學,科學,社會文化等核心學科內容。 芝麻街工作室(Sesame Workshop)精心打造的芝麻街,自1969年播出以來已榮獲138座艾美獎與終生成就獎,并先后在**150多個國家推出,受到**數千萬少年兒童及家長的喜愛與肯定。芝麻街工作室(Sesame Workshop)將其從節目銷售中獲得的收益轉而用于其針對全世界少年兒童的教育項目上,每年向**超過1.2億青少兒提供教育。 其中,針對非英語系國家兒童學習英文的特點,結合眾多語言、教育及兒童心理學家制作的系統性英語學習教材,在美國七千多所移民小學里全面使用,并已成為全世界非英語系國家公認佳的英語學習教材,芝麻街因此成為兒童美語教育的代名詞。 現在,每個星期都有1200萬孩子接受這個產品的教育。在亞洲,日本已經超過200家校區,也已超過100家校區。 在中國,自2014年6月**家校區開啟,至今的半年多時間里,全國已有100多家校區陸續啟動。 Sesame Street English is a famous American education brand established by non-profit organization Sesame Workshop. Sesame Street English aims to provide the best education to the children between 3-12 years old worldwide with a state-of-the-art EFL Program using English-immersion instruction in a fun, exciting context. We Help children to think, discover, and explore their own potential; learn to communicate with others and the world. In Sesame Street English school, subject contents like English, math, science, and social studies are taught through interactive multi-media with methods highly supported by professional EFL teachers world-wide. Sesame Workshop’s children television show "Sesame Street" has been on air since 1969 and has won 138 Emmy Awards and Lifetime Achievement Award, it reaches millions of children and parents in more than 150 countries. Sesame Workshop invests the profit obtained from the program for its educational projects, to provide education service for more than 120 million children every year. Considering the characteristics of non-English speaking children, the systematic learning materials are applied in more than 7,000 American immigrant primary schools, the materials that are built by numerous linguists, education experts, and psychologists, and are acknowledged by non-English speaking countries around the world as the Best English-Learning Material. Sesame Street English is now the symbol of American-English Educating. And now, more than 12 million children are receiving the education brought by Sesame Street every week. There are more than 200 Sesame Street English Schools in Japan, Asia, and more than 100 in Taiwan