北京正源拓維教育咨詢有限公司(以下簡稱:正源拓維),長期致力于教育培訓及國外留學領域、公務人員培訓與接待。先后與美國工業技術集團(國家外專局公務人員培訓接待一號渠道,渠道號:990001號)、全美大學聯盟、美國威力塔斯學校簽署了在中國長期的獨家合作協議。北京正源拓維教育咨詢有限公司綜合運用國外各方面的資源,為中國的家庭提供的美國留學服務。美國威力塔斯學校中國校區( www.vcachina) 在2015年開始招收**批學員,完全采用與美國總校一致的辦學模式,包括師資、學籍、教學、教材、社會活動等。北京正源拓維教育咨詢公司與美國威力塔斯學校合作,致力于打造原汁原味的美國高中課程體系,為即將赴美就讀的家庭和孩子提供高品質教學和成長的順利過渡環境。Zheng Yuan Tuo Wei Beijing Education Consulting Co. LTDZheng Yuan Tuo Wei Beijing Education Consulting Co. LTD (ZYTW) established in 2004 and it has approached to education training, overseas studying, and public servants’ overseas training and reception for many years. The company signed the long-term exclusive business cooperation agreements with the U.S. INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (The No.1 Channel in public servants overseas training and reception of State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, Channel No: 990001), All American Universities & Colleges Alliance, and the U.S.A. Veritas Christian Academy. ZYTW is committed to provide omnibearing American overseas studying services to Chinese families by using its abundant international resources.? ?Veritas China campus began to enroll the first batch of students in 2015. Veritas China campus (www.vcachina) completely employs the school-running model of Veritas’main campus in the U.S, which includes teachers, enroll system, teaching methods, textbooks, social activities, etc. We devote to create a hundred percent pure American high school curriculums system in China, which will provide a high quality learning environment and a successful transition to students who are going to study in the U.S soon.