C&A Advisors is a Business Advisory Group with a well-established presence in China for more than 15 years. C&A isheadquartered in Shanghai and has offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong,London and correspondents in Dubai, Italy and in the US. Our Group employs over100 professionals between international and Chinese consultants, fluent inEnglish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Mandarin斯納安是一家在中國境內成立超過15年并享有一定聲譽的商業咨詢集團. 斯納安的總部位于上海,并在北京,廣州,香港,倫敦設有分公司及辦事處, 在迪拜,意大利和美國有聯絡處. 集團擁有超過100位精通英語,法語,西班牙語,葡萄牙語,意大利語和中文的中外資深專業顧問,